Saturday, September 15, 2012


Soil has many functions in our live. Soil can be place for we live, etc. Without soil, we cannot live because 0.25 percent of earth is soil. And almost of our activity, we do on the soil. Almost plants in this earth are like human, because they do their activity on the earth, like absorbing nutrition from root, absorbing mineral and water, etc.
Soil has five important meaning for plant, that is:
1. to make plant up straight. Plant can stand and reach the sunlight for photosynthesis because plant is supported by soil.
2.Soil provides water, mineral, and nutrition for plant. Almost plant look their nutrition and water in the soil by root to grow and develop. If nutrition, mineral, and water available in the soil is only slightly, plant growth and development will be disrupted, so plant production will be slightly.
3. Soil as a place for microbe. Microbe bulks large in process of decomposition organic materials. Result of the decomposition process will be nutrition which will be absorbed by root. And microbe can make pores in the soil with their activity.
4. as growing media. Soil is a place for plant to grow and develop.
5. Soil as filter. Soil capable of filtering toxins carried by pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
Soil is formed from weathering of rocks, and there are two process which play a part weathering of rocks process. The process are pedogenesis and geogenesis process. and these process will produce particle soil. Soil is composed by three particles, three particles of soil cover sand, silt, and clay. and these particles are explained in soil textural triangle.
The particles determine the characteristic of soil physical like texture, aggregate, structure, and consistency of soil.
Soil is divided by three characteristic, the characteristic are physical, biology and chemical.
The characteristic of soil physical like texture, aggregate, structure, and consistency of soil. The characteristic of soil biology like organic materials, microbe, and all of life cycle in the soil. While the characteristic of soil chemical like soil PH, N, P, Zn, Al, Mg, S, and all chemical element. Every soil characteristic has relationship each other.

 bibliography for the picture:
Anonymous,2012. accessed on 16th September 2012

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